Little Boy Swinging under Tree on Tyre Swing - Kids Vinyl Wall Sticker Decal Art

[ S I Z E ]
Tree dimension: 47"w x 60"h
[ D E C A L - S E T - I N C L U D E S ]
➢ 1 Big Tree ( choose 1 color - currently in BLACK )
➢ Girl / boy on a tire swing (choose 1 GENDER )
➢ 2 puppies
➢ loose leaves
➢ grasses, mushrooms
✚ Test decal
✚ Easy to follow instructions and a test decal is included.
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This decal set comes in separate pieces/ parts, so to be ensemble on your wall as a complete scene.
[ C H O O S E - 3 - C O L O R S ]
(type the colour of your choice in "message to seller" section during checkout)
if no color was chosen, I will send your decal in default color as in the first image.
IMPORTANT: When placing your order please be sure to include the colours of your choice in the "Comments to Seller" section (please refer to last image for the colour options). If you cannot see this, email [email protected] straight after you place your order with your colour combinations.
[ M I R R O R - I M AG E ]
Please let me know if you want this design in reverse during checkout.
[ C U S T O M - D E S I G N ]
If you have anything in mind that you wish to put it into reality, just send me a message, I'm very happy to do CUSTOM DESIGN.
[ G E T - T O - K N O W - M Y - P R O D U C T ]
This design is cut from top quality Vinyl from GERMANY and BELGIUM, rated 6 years outdoor durability, fade resistant indoor and waterproof. This graphic decal can be permenent or temporary, it is self-adhesive yet removable, you can easily remove it when you no longer need it. However the removed decal is not reusable.
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